Sweet Little Levi with 2 ladies that love him so much!
Can I just tell you how amazed I am by our gracious God who works in such mysterious ways...
Today we had a special day planned...
Honestly, I wasn't sure if this day would ever happen... we have pretty much always left it open to our donor mom to do whatever she felt was right at the time...
I am soooooo glad that God allowed us to meet in person.
She is just as amazing in person as I have thought that she would be...
And her kids are just as precious:)
When she got to my parents, I couldn't contain myself and went outside to walk her up to the house. I just gave her a big hug and of course my emotions totally got the best of me. I could barely squeak out the thank you I have thought about giving to her in person, for months.
Really, it is just impossible to thank her to the degree that I want to for this sweet little cuddly miracle and gift of Levi...
Later in the day she thanked me for giving Levi a life that she could not give him right now. I couldn't help but say, I think we totally got the way better end of the deal:) I do know that it brings her heart peace to know that Levi will be raised in a Christian home where he will learn all about the Savior who loves him and died for him.
We sat on the couch and visited. I absolutely loved getting to learn more details about her and Ryan, Levi's donor dad, who died 3 years ago...
My parents live on a plot of land with my 2 brother's families... I knew that my sister in laws and nieces were chomping at the bit to come and meet them:)
For me it was like visiting with an old friend, I learned so many new things about them and their families, yet from reading each others blogs, I felt like I already totally knew them. God is so amazing to weave our lives together out of such heartache for both of us...
Honestly, she is one of the most mature, respectful people... asking if she could take his picture or give him a kiss... of course I said.... ABSOLUTELY... NO PROBLEM!
I can not imagine how today was for her and how hard it might have been....
For me, I am on the end of living life with this precious gift that never would have happened with out her... I am completely in awe of the miracle of it all! I really don't feel like that feeling of absolutely blessedness will ever leave me. I can not look at Levi with out being overcome with the goodness of our God.
Before she left she looked at him and said something about growing up to know Jesus so that one day we can all live together forever, Levi, Ryan, Samuel, all of us... Oh, I can not wait for that day... this life here is but a blink of an eye compared to eternity...
As awesome as that day will be.... today was an extremely special day this side of Heaven...