
Sunday, December 16, 2007





Because we went to church last night we spent part of the morning playing out in the snow. It was beautiful out, sunny and pretty warm. JOJO literally spent 20 minutes just rolling down the sledding hill. He was having a ball. Anna and the big boys actually went sledding down the hill. We had lunch, watched the packers game and the big boys are outside hitting the sledding hill again. We have to enjoy this snow while we have it. We are thankful to God for the creativity He has and how He blesses us by being able to be out and enjoy His creation.

Saturday, December 15, 2007


This morning I went with the pro-life group on campus to the Planned Parenthood nearby to pray for the girls there. Someone or a group go from campus every week. I have been wanting to go for over a year and finally did. Ugh, it was absolutely gut wrenching for me. I really wanted to yell out, "I will take your baby," as the girls were heading inside. (Anyone who knows this baby lover knows I would:) It wasn't a good feeling. I felt helpless to do anything but pray. Sometimes I can get so wrapped up in my own life with my kids and family that I almost forget about how much people are hurting. I just wanted to reach out to those girls and hug them and tell them there is another way, another option is there for them. I keep praying amidst the busyness that the Holy Spirit will keep others at the forefront of my mind and lead me to reach out to those who need it.

Anyways on a lighter note. It is beautiful here in St. Louis. Snow started to fall after midnight last night. The kids were so excited to go out and play in it. They have been sledding and building forts all afternoon. Ahhh, a piece of the north. We are enjoying it. Greg has to preach tonight at our field work church St. Johns so he is already gone with Louis. Lou and some others from campus are helping in the service by doing a human video for Greg. He is excited to finally get to preach there. He really misses having the opportunity to preach since we have been here at the sem. But realistically with classes it is difficult to find the time to work on a sermon. So that time will come soon enough when he will have lots of opportunities on vicarage.

We are expected to get up to another 4 inches of snow tonight. Yeah!!! Break out the snow boots everyone. I love it!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


We have had a busy few days. The kids Christmas Party was held on campus last weekend. I will try to post a picture from that later. The kids have a blast. They get to do a bunch of projects, play some games and even get to spick out a present for their mom and dad. It is so sweet because they are just thrilled and can hardly keep it to themselves. I know what all of Greg's present are and I am sure he knows what mine are. It takes everything in them to keep it a secret.
Tonight I was checking something on the computer and all of a sudden I heard screaming from the other bedroom. Greg was downstairs in the basement practicing a human video that he has some kids doing at church this weekend. He gets to preach at the Saturday night service. Anyways... I needed to go address the situation. Anna and Jo were in their bedroom and Jo had hurt her somehow. It was so sweet how easily the problems can be solved sometimes. I told him to go give her a hug, say he was sorry and ask for forgiveness. She right away hugged him, picked him up and said, "We're best friends again." He was obviously forgiven and I bet 5 minutes later she wouldn't have even remembered what had happened. Quite a lesson for us adults. Our heavenly father forgives us over and over again, day after day. Kids are so quick to forgive. It certainly doesn't pay to harbor bitterness, dwell on the negative, or hold a grudge. There just isn't time for it. I want to be like little Anna and just love others. We are memorizing all of the love verses in 1 Corinthians 13 right now. We have had lots of teachable moments as we talk about love not delighting in evil, but being patient, kind, not boastful,not envying. We are about 1/2 way through that portion of scripture. Last week we were studying the 50 states and the boys were supposed to memorize all 50 states and their capitals. They do know a bunch of them and sure that would be pretty neat....but I had a decision to make. Did I really want to spend that much time on that right now? I would much rather have my kids have the word of God hidden in their heart. That way when they need to pull it out it is there to share with others or help to guide them as they live for HIM. So we will keep working on the states and their capitals a bit at a time and focus on the BIBLE ... Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth!

Sunday, December 9, 2007


Sara's cousin Tom and his wife Debi
This weekend we were so blessed to have my cousin and his wife Debi in town with us. They drove over from Indiana so I could do a childbirth class with them. They were missionaries in Japan for 15 years and are now in the states until they have their twins next March or so. Then they will be off to serve the Lord in a new ministry over seas. They were so kind and put on a little presentation for the homeschoolers on campus. It was so great. Everyone, including all of the moms learned so much. They do a great job sharing about their ministry there. Did you know only 1% of the Japanese are Christians? Wow, the amount of work that can be done for the Kingdom is just amazing. We have been reading a book called "Missionary Stories with the Millers" during our devotion time. It is all true stories of Missionaries that have served all over the world. The boys absolutely love that book. It is truly inspiring. Louis even thinks that he may want to be a missionary someday. We will see how the Lord will continue to work and lead him in his life. We were so thankful to be able to spend the weekend with Tom and Debi and to learn so much from them.